Child's First Name *
Child's Last Name *
Childs DOB
Parent First Name *
Parent Last Name *
Your Email Address *
Contact Number
Proposed Start Date
Are you flexible with Days? YesNo
Days Required MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday
Are you a 1 working parent family2 parent working familystudying parentother
How did you hear about us? care for kidscurrent parentfacebookFootscray Rd bannergoogleletterbox flyerlocallocal newspapermelbourne’s parentrecommended by parents at centrewalk pastword of mouth
Feel free to complete the contact form to the right and we will endeavour to call you back shortly.
Phone: 03 9670 0880 Email:
Hours of Operation 7:00am till 6.00pm – Monday to Friday Open 50 weeks of the year Closed for public holidays
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Your Email (required)
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Hours of Operation7:00am till 6.00pm – Monday to FridayOpen 50 weeks of the yearClosed for public holidays
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